Never give up, never back down never lose faith

Never give up, never back down never lose faith

Never give up, never back down never lose faith

“Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” 1 Peter 5 v 9

For many years in the summer months the church would attend Faith Camp in the East of England show ground. The words “Faith camp” suggests the pitching of a tent around a particular place. We need to camp our faith around the promises of the word of God. The bible encourages us to stand firm in our faith. Irrespective of what the circumstances tell, you we need to hold fast to his word.

The reason I am still here is because I pitched my tent around a promise of God. I have held on to that promise for 28 years and I am still looking for its fulfilment in my nation in my generation. I have decided I am not giving up and I am not backing down. The moment we give up we are finished, the moment we back down we are finished and the moment we lose faith we are finished.

I’m camping around the vision, I am camping around the promises I camping around the possibility of the water of God’s word becoming the wine of our experience. I am not backing down, I am camping in faith until what I see with my spirit becomes what I see with my natural eyes.

To back down is to settle for less than what God says. All around me I see Christians who have backed down and have lowered the bar of their expectation. This can be for any number of reasons but it is usually rooted in unmet expectations, disappointment and painful experiences. The scripture declares we all suffer the same kind of sufferings however it also tells us to stand firm in faith. I have suffered exactly the same things you have but I am not backing down.

I have recently been encouraged by Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

 But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. 1 Cor 16v8-9

I am encouraged to stay here in Bridgend until we see our Pentecost because despite the adversaries, a wide door has opened to us for effective ministry. Let me encourage you to camp in faith around the promises of God’s word – Never give up, never back down and never lose faith.


1 Comment
  • Elizabeth Ebudola James
    Posted at 23:40h, 23 November Reply

    Wow this has totally lift my faith brother.
    I’ll certainly camp my faith around GOD’s word with lifted faith.
    Cause the Pentecost is here and GOD will remove all the adversaries we see. Which honestly they are temporary.
    I’m so encouraging to carry on now.

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